06 48 48 070 | ota yhteyttä

About Us

Founded in 1987, FysioSillanpää is a physical therapy facility whose

activities have expanded over the years to include versatile cosmetology

services and various exercise groups. Our services are located

in the center of Alahärmä to promote health, beauty and well-being by our

professional staff! Welcome to our website and above all

welcome to our health and beauty care facility!

Physical Therapy / Massage

With us, you will always be treated by trained and professional Physical therapists. We work in co-operation with doctors and other health care professionals. We treat with or without a doctor´s referral. With a payment commitment, we also take care of customers of insurance companies and The Federation of Municipalities Kaksineuvoinen. We operate as a physical therapy treatment facility supervised by the Regional Administrative Agency. We also make home visits. Welcome to good and competent care.


Healthy, well-kept and cared-for skin is beautiful. Our cosmetologist treats and helps you in matters related to beauty and skin care. The treatment is always based on an individual skin analysis, according to which the treatment is selected. We use versatile device treatments, effective lifting treatments and chemical acid treatments. Taking care of your feet is an important part of your well-being, so it’s worth taking care of them. We help you with versatile beauty care services and high-quality products.